Monday 15 April 2013

Hi all, 

Well the sun is shining and the washing is blowing on the line. The garden looks happy and bright for the first time in what seems like an age!

Having 3 children at home during the Easter school holidays has proven to be challenging and not in terms of their behaviour but because finding a common ground for activities is almost impossible. 

Whatever I choose for us to do will inevitably be inappropriate for one of them purely due to age. Almost 13, 6 and 2 years is fairly widespread in ability and interest!!

Today, however, my almost 13 year old has a friend to play so he's happy, and the younger 2 are enjoying the garden. 

Lillie has been painting rocks and has made a little rock family for us to enjoy in the garden through the summer. Toby is enjoying playing with his dumper truck and the pebbles, drawing pictures with chalk on the patio and kicking his ball. 

I'm enjoying being able to let the children into the garden without the risk of frost bite!.... I've also enjoyed a lovely cup of Yorkshire tea in my Yorkshire garden...

Back to school tomorrow for 2 of them and back to a routine for us all. It's been a long Easter break this time, almost 3 weeks!... I wonder how many days it will take me to readjust to the early starts..:)

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to finally see the sun shining. Painting rocks is old-school family fun and very cute indeed. Have a glorious day and may the summer stay with us for a long, long time. :) xx
