Monday 14 January 2013

Getting started - New Year, New beginnings

I decided to get into blogging on a regular basis and so here goes. 
So much has happened since July. My husband was made redundant from his job and is still trying hard to look for work. 

Life as we know it seems so different now. My anxiety problem is creeping back up to a worrying level and I find myself feeling stressed a lot of the time.

On the other hand I've been trying to keep things as normal as possible for the rest of the family, like a good momma.

Today I've mostly been working around the home as it was snowing and I didn't fancy falling down and spending the rest of the week with a sore backside!.... 

I picked up some lovely items in the Boots sale though. 

Tried to eat some healthier alternatives today too. Oats for breakfast and soup and cheese salad sandwich for tea. Lunch was a bit crappy.....Pot Noodle (don't ask) and 2 slices of buttered toast (I said I tried!!!)

Taught the baby a lovely family lullaby which he sang back to me like a little angel....It makes my heart overflow when he's that cute.... 

My Princess had her first disco dancing club tonight and she was disappointed with herself because she's not the best high kicker!!... We're going to work on making her legs a little more supple. 

Big fella came home in the wars.... some kid had him round the throat on the school bus.... had to phone school to have this looked into.... oh the joys of pre teen boys!

All in all a reasonable day.... hopefully this evening will be nice and relaxing and I'll sleep well...

Goodnight  x